It's been more than 30 years since my engineering years, so in most areas I am left with the sense and a general logical understanding rather than ability to calculate anything on paper, but I remember there were formulas for springs to calculate all aspects. Measuring, counting coils etc., would come up with curves of the spring's strength. There is one difficulty though. You'd need certain constants and one of them would be for the metal used, and you would need to know exactly what these springs are made from.
Then laboratory testing, that's another chapter.
I bet most of us are more interested in 'real life' observations what happens with what results, narrowing what works and what the working solutions are based on the experiences of thousands of people riding these bikes. Sort of like with electronics for most of us - I think this would be a good example. I don't really know which way exactly the electrons fly in a CDI or another box, but I am quite happy with knowing that in order for it to work, I need to 'connect the left wire to the pink wire, the middle to this and the other two solder together' blah blah blah. (that's a purely hypothetical virtual example).
Kawboy is right on. You need to note many variables to make a research scientific, in a lab or on the road. Air pressure, humidity, temperature, weight of the rider, wind strength and direction, and so on, on top of the history of the bike and all the gauges readings. Then test, change parameters, test, repeat... It's a daunting long process, just like Kawboy put it.
Personally, I don't think I would even feel if a bike has 5 or 10 horse power more or less, or changes 5 miles more or less before needing to fill up. In my mind, a change might be justified if it makes things easier and functionally better. Any input from anyone doing research above just riding and playing with parts, plus from those who do only just that, is a great mix. Beyond that, it's a limited numbers club of people who love engineering and reverse engineering mechanical or electrical system is their hobby and joy. I had a friend who had a few old bikes. He knew so much and was building the engines from scratch, but I had never seen him ride a bike! You know what I mean.
By the way, the engineering part in me is also always calling me and teasing, haha I'd be building and doing all sorts of things have I had the luxury of doing so. I can't help coming with ideas of improvement or doing things alternative way when working on my bike, or in general doing things in life, be it sweeping a floor or washing dishes. There is always an alternative, good or bad. My mind never sleeps in a way, haha, that's just how it works.
You have my support there Kawboy, looking forward to seeing how your project will unfold!