If you make pieces and parts or provide services for Kawasaki Sixes you may post links here to your business or product catalog. If you're just into 1300's and have found a business that you like to deal with post it up here.
Brass Carb.-Floats for the KZ1300 are made per order.
The price for 1 set (3 individual floats including Brass pivot-pins) is $118.00 U.S. plus shipping. Buyer is responsible for any taxes/import fees etc.
To avoid "clutter" in various forum topics I do not respond to orders or inquiries within threads.
For inquires or to place an order please contact me with a P.M. (private message) in this forum.
Thanks, scotch
1980 KZ 1300 sr# KZT30A-009997
Always High - Know Fear !
I saw your floats, they look perfect, I have a 79 1300 I am having trouble with 1 float and would like to replace all 3, all I need is info from you so I can place the order, I am in southern California and would use Pay-Pal if that is OK or what ever you would prefer, finding these will solve a ongoing problem I have had for a while, looking forward to hearing from you.