A small correction? I replaced all the valves. None burned or damaged in anyway but was the machinists recommendation because he was concerned that reground valves and seats would create a shimming issue. ie: Too close to or even tighter then the thinnest available shim - 2.0mm.
And to reiterate regarding my mileage. Strict 100KPH limit and multiple identical rides for comparisons..
Stock NGK spark plugs, a GM 6-pack ignition coil and typical silicone jacketed wire wound carbon-core plug leads
- Modified pilot needles - Polished to a point with a new arbitrary setting of 2 turns. More sensitive then the stock tip, the adjustment range for the Color Tune is now approx. +/- 1/4 turn which makes mixture adjustment far more accurate.
- Enricher mod (Disabled)
- Precisely sync'd
- minor adjustment to Ign.-timing.
- New Brass throughout. Stock jetting !
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