The replacement I ordered has already arrived, one good piece of news and one bad piece of news.
The good thing is that I found a store in the south of Spain that had them and I didn't pay much for them, I no longer have to risk looking on EBAY, ALIBABA, and crap like that.
The messed-up news is that I took the last pieces in stock, I ordered two complete sets and they only had one.
So I first disassembled the condensers and replaced them, the bike ran worse, only one coil was working, cylinders 2 and 3 were dead.
I don't get desperate, I take out the contact point on the right and replace it with the new one.
The motorcycle is hard to start, it eventually starts but it doesn't run smoothly at all.
I still don't get desperate, now it's time to change the left contact point, I repeat the previous operation and start the bike.
Nothing is going smoothly, I'm starting to get desperate.
I take out the 0.015 gauge and adjust the gap between the two contact points, the bike starts easily but doesn't run well, it's years away from running perfectly, it stutters when I give it gas, my desperation increases exponentially.
I disassemble the contact points again, look at them and manually reattach them, reassemble them, and calibrate them with their 0.015mm spacing.
The fucking bike starts and keeps coughing, the more I twist the throttle, the worse it works, I stop the engine again, I use the gauge again to make sure that everything is correct, I spray the entire ignition system with contact cleaner.
I get up with my legs sore from being on my knees, as if I was begging for it to work, I walk a bit around the garage getting smoke out of my head thinking that the new parts I have assembled may not be the right ones.
I look at the new ones, I look at the old ones and they look the same to me, they fit in place.
I try one more time to start the engine, this time from the left side, before I was doing it kneeling from the right side as I was working with the ignition.The bike starts again the first time but it continues coughing, I make a general visual review and I realize the failure...
I lower the lever all the way down and the bike is another one, now yes, the motherfucker works fine philippine, I give some happy gas strokes until I hear my wife shouting that dinner is ready and it's enough of making so much noise, I leave the bike in a perfect idle, stop the engine, mount the ignition cover and the seat and with a smile I sit at the table, today there is chicken thigh for dinner.