Could we agree on starting my Westernization process with hooking me up with one of the America's fine blond cheerleaders! Not a fan of, but maybe I could even convert to watching NFL!... Nah... I'd just stick to the blond!
Call me a bastard, after I admit I was pulling a partial fast one on you. Yet it's absolutely true - my experience of finding things is often running in circles to eventually find what I need on eBay in Hong Kong or the o'le USA. While the China based items are usually cheap and come with free shipping, the US based have an enormous amount attached to them for shipping, or - free shipping withing the USA. But that involves taking a trip across the border...
While something might be available in one store under a generic name let's say 'automotive' or 'hobby', it's been not uncommon for me to make rounds to multiple stores, each quite far away from each other, until I found that one particular where they sell that one particular item, which using common sense should be a very common item in stock. That's why I am very precise when directing people and asking for info. Quite often a vague 'tip' ends up with internet search, which defies the purpose of asking..
Seriously... Thank you Scotch!!
And I know you get it anyway - you're always high!
PS. Have you noticed the capitol letter out of respect and appreciation?