First thing I did was take pictures of carbs from all side so I could see where every thing goes back too. What to clean carbs with. You have to be careful with carb clearing that you put carbs into to soak. I have read that there is some part in these carbs that can be damaged by soaking them. So what I did was by a case of spray carb cleaner. Next go to your local gun shop and by two round brushes one small to go into the jet holes and a bigger one to go in the slide holes, and also get your self a few tooth brushes for the out side parts. Get your self some small bowls for all the parts that things don't get lost. First spray all the dirt and grim off carbs may take a can of cleaner to do that. Now back off all screws across the choke rod and then undo the screw at the end, Don't loose plastic washer. This is where pics come in handy, remember which side washer goes on. Now slowly slide rod out of each chock fork one at a time cause they can bind and you could bent it. Thats not good. Next step is to undo the 3 throtle rods from from carbs. At this point just back off lock nuts and back out adjustment screw enough to get them off. Once that is done flip carbs over and remove the 6 screw that hold carbs on the rail, now gentally slide carbs apart. be careful not to twisted the gas tubes between the carbs they can break. Now all you have to do is take each carb apart and keep each carbs parts in a bowl just for that carb and clean as you go. One note under each main jet on the under side of carb there is a smaller jet at the bottom of that hole. Be very careful if you try to take these jets out. Do not put any bur's in these jets trying to get them out because the jet just barely fits down that hole and any bur on them will cause them not to come out. I know I had one that would not come out. had to blast it with a whole can of carb cleaner to get the very small hole in it to open back up. Now have at it. I also have a complete picture of carb rebuild on my face book account if you care to look. William R Goodman My main picture on my face book is my KZ 1300.