scotch wrote: I guess we could think of this as "de-porting" the pests! No affiliation or similarity with Trump's policy! All bugs have an equal opportunity in Canada!
You may be on to something here Scotch. As Canadians we are very tolerant, especially with bugs.We all strain our beer throug.h our teeth and then spit out the bugs to give them a second chance. It's what we do.
Trump on the other hand doesn't read books, and gets all of his teachings through tv and social media. He needs to learn to stop squaking through his tweets. He's pissed at the meda sice all theyre doing is showing the world how stupid he is. If he read books I'd tell him to read " Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance" , learn to chill and appreciate the smaller things in life. There is a saying which says " small things amuse small minds, but it takes a large mind to appreciate small things"