OK, so I figured out the oil switch not working (
), so that's small but pleasing progress.
In other news, I delved into the charging system to see why it wasn't working. Taking off the cover revealed a pretty new looking stator (my bro did say he had it rewound not so long ago). Anyway, wiring wasn't my brothers strong point.....and it looked like a clusterf*ck behind the ignitor so I basically re-wired the charging system from the stator back to the battery. I had a spare reg/rec unit lying around that I knew was good so I just wired that one in (it was off my old VL1500 so I know it throws out a bit of power).
Bingo - 13.5v at idle and shoots up to 14.5v over 3k RPM. Seems to run a little stronger - main thing I noticed was the indicators flash a little faster and they come on straight away now (there used to be a second delay - probably because of the compromised voltage)
Next up will be working on the carbs when I can get a full afternoon to tinker (family, kids, life). I can smell gas in the oil, so I know there's some issues with the carbs.
I'm sure there will be some surprises in store for me there as well :blink: